

Autocad 2018 download Student Version officially

By vijay - Thursday No Comments

Education User

You must be a Student, Faculty, Qualified Educational Institution or Other Authorized Education User (each an “Education User”) to access or use an Education Offering, including any Software licensed under an Education License Type.
“Faculty” means an individual person who is an employee or independent contractor working for a Qualified Educational Institution.
“Qualified Educational Institution” means an educational institution that has been accredited by an authorized governmental agency within its applicable local, state, provincial, federal or national government and has the primary purpose of teaching its enrolled students.
“Student” means an individual person, 13 years or older, enrolled as a student at a Qualified Educational Institution.
“Other Authorized Education User” means a user described in the Education Terms or as otherwise authorized in writing by Autodesk.
Education Users may only use Education Offerings for the following “Educational Purposes”: (1) if You are a Qualified Educational Institution, Faculty or Other Authorized Education User, You may access and/or use the Offering solely for purposes directly related to learning, teaching, training, or research and development as part of the instructional functions performed by a Qualified Educational Institution or an Other Authorized Education User and (2) if You are a Student or an individual Other Authorized Education User, You may access and/or use the Offering solely for purposes directly related to learning, training or research. You may not access or use the Offering for commercial, professional or other for-profit purposes. You may be required to show proof of eligibility if requested by Autodesk.
You may install copies of the Software You have licensed or subscribed to solely on Electronic Devices owned or controlled by You. Only current Students and Faculty of a Qualified Educational Institution may access and/or use Offerings licensed or subscribed to by a Qualified Educational Institution. Students and Faculty may be required to use their own individual Autodesk ID to access and/or use certain Offerings.
The term of Your Education Offering will start on the date access is granted and will end on the earliest of (i) the fixed term identified in the applicable Offering Identification or, if no term is specified, three (3) years thereafter; (ii) the date when You no longer qualify as a Student, Faculty, Qualified Educational Institution or Other Authorized Education User, (iii) the date the Offering is discontinued, or (iv) upon receipt of notice from Autodesk that it is ending the term.
Output and other data created with Offerings made available under Education License Types may contain certain notices and limitations that make the Output and other data usable only in certain circumstances (e.g., only in the education field). In addition, if You combine or link work product or other data created with such Offering with work product or other data otherwise created, then such other work product or data may also be affected by these notices and limitations. Autodesk will have no responsibility or liability whatsoever if You or any other person combine or link work product or other data created with such Offerings with work product or other data otherwise created. In addition, You will not remove, alter or obscure any such notices or limitations.

Education License Types

For Education License Types, please see the Education Terms.

How to download Autocad 2018 , 2017 Student Version officially


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