

Unity 2D and 3D Game Development – Build 10 Games in Unity – Free Udemy Course.

Build 10 Games. Learn Fractal Basics, Object Pooling, Meshes, Rendering, Hexagonal Maps, Noise Simulation, Voxel Grids with this Free Udemy Course worth $200!

If you are a Game geek and in case you ever tried your hand towards computer gaming, you must be aware of the Unity software. Regardless of the 2D or 3D Unity game development you want to make, Unity is the common platform that most of the games in the market are created. With this application, you can create a full length working two-dimensional and three-dimensional games just as you witnesses everywhere.
This 2D & 3D Unity game development course is focused towards giving the understanding of the Unity 5 version and unity game development teach you how you can make use of the software in creating traditional two-dimensional games and breathtaking three-dimensional games. We will look into various parts of the software which will directly deal with both flavors of the game. We start the lectures from the scratch as beginners can understand the complex topics covered in the further lectures and we also have advanced lectures such as scripting and 3D gaming essential elements which will help intermediate and advanced level students to learn deeper concepts about Unity 5.
A common misconception these days is to leave the traditional two-dimensional gaming and start working on three-dimensional gaming from day one, which can potentially dent a gamers career. We introduced 2D gaming in this course as even today, it is widely used and highly successive games of all kinds. 3D gaming is essentially worked only by High-end studios and massive gaming companies like EA. Though the spectrum is large, on a global scale the number of companies that are totally involved in 3D gaming is relatively lesser when compared to the gaming companies working on 2D gaming. The numerous numbers of games we find today on Android and iPhone are dominated by the two-dimensional gaming examples. Every day there are a huge number of gaming companies coming into the global market who are trying their hand at the 2D games through the mobile platform. This is one of the strongest rationales that we included 2D gaming in this course.
On the other hand, three-dimensional games are hitting the market like never before. In recent years, 3D games revolutionized the way we perceived gaming experience from what we have seen a few years ago. Thanks to the increasing capacity of the hardware equipment and the latest technology. Very soon, 3D gaming will set up into a multitude of avenues such as Holograms, Virtual reality, Sensor-driven gaming and much more.

What you’ll learn in this Free Udemy Course:

  • Become excellent at using the Unity game engine.
  • Gain an excellent general knowledge of video game design.
  • Implement sound effects, background music, and particle effects
  • Build a solid foundation for game design and game development that will help you build your own games.
  • Navigate the Unity Engine and discover unique features
  • Become familiar with the interface and discover useful shortcuts and functionalities that can save them time.

Who’s this Free Udemy course for?

You can enroll in this Free Udemy Course if you meet the following criteria, though these criteria are not mandatory, you can enroll in this free udemy course and learn!:
  • Beginners with no coding experience or Unity experience
  • Game developers who want to learn Unity
  • Experienced Game Developers
  • People interested in developing quality 2D and 3D games either professionally or as a hobby.
  • Developers who want to re-skill across to game development.
  • Anyone Who Wants To Learn Game Development
  • Multimedia Professional trying to learn code and enter the gaming
  • Programmers who are interested in joining the game development Industry

This Free Udemy Course includes:

  • 73.5 hours on-demand video
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of Completion

Requirement or Prerequisites for this Free Udemy Course:

  • Basic Computer and Internet Knowledge.
  • Not any programming language prerequisite
  • Unity 5 Game Engine(Free Version)
  • In this course, we will walk you through from the beginning. From installing Unity on your computer to making complex games in Unity

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